Monday, May 1, 2017

Script- Teaching with Technology Philosophy

Christina’s Teaching with Technology Philosophy

Title Page:
Christina’s Teaching with Technology Philosophy

Music in background

What does it mean to be a teacher?

**Pictures of myself and working with my students  

- Growing up, children have dreams of becoming an astronaut, or president, or princess; however, my dream has always been to become a teacher.Education is my passion; it’s such a vital field because it molds every person into who they become.
- Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Teaching embodies this statement because it is a profession of patience, support and service.
- I want to be a teacher that enters the field with fervor, ignites imagination, and encourages my students to succeed. My teaching philosophy is more than lecturing at students or teaching separate subjects at designated times. I want to incorporate cross curriculum learning where all subjects interact and connect to make learning more meaningful. I plan on utilizing hands on learning, student led discussions, and multiple intelligences implemented throughout all of my lessons.

Integrating technology with my teaching

(20 sec)

Technology integration used to make me anxious because I didn’t see myself as having confidence with teaching with technology, yet throughout this semester, I have discovered through hands on approaches different apps, programs and websites that can benefit my future classroom. I have gained confidence, and found more joy in teaching with technology.

Teaching in ETC 447

** Pictures of my lesson plans/powerpoint and me teaching with my peers

Throughout this semester we have had opportunities to plan lessons and teach to our peers, demonstrating the four Standards, while also gaining experience with technology. I created and taught two lessons titled: World War 2 and The Great Depression, and Geometry is out of this world. Both lessons gave me hands on experience teaching, assessing, and reflecting on teaching with technology.

Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
The first standard focuses on facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity. This is an essential piece to my teaching philosophy because it gives students the opportunity to show their abilities and understanding through their creative abilities, innovative thinking and inventiveness. During my World War 2 and Great Depression unit, the students learned about the power of propaganda and how to create their own advertisement poster. They explored real-world issues of our country’s past and used technology to create posters reflecting the themes of: poverty, rationing, and patriotism.

Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

The second standard revolves around designing and developing digital-age learning experiences and assessments. We teachers must develop technology-enriched learning environments while also customizing and personalizing learning to each child’s needs. In the WW2 lesson, I utilized Kahoot technology for a pre assessment. In the Geometry is out of This World lesson, I utilized summative assessment with the Solar System rubric based on their Inspiration Space creation. They also had formative assessment throughout the space lesson by doing hands on kinesthetic learning in the Orion Says game which assessed their understanding of the math vocabulary: rays, angles and lines. My lessons addressed students’ diverse learning styles while promoting them in being active participants in managing their learning.
Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

The third standard models digital-age work and learning. This is a critical component to schools because it allows students to locate, analyze, evaluate and use information resources to support research and learning. This standard was present in my Geometry Space lesson as the students conducted their research on the planets of our solar system and composed their findings in their solar system creation. In both of my lessons, I also implemented a gallery walk where each students demonstrated their information and creations which allowed for collaboration for student success and innovation.

Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

The final standard promotes and models digital citizenship and responsibility. This standard addresses the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies. In both of my lessons, I showed centers that allow the multiple intelligences that fit each learning style with cross curriculum connections. Both lessons also promoted and modeled digital etiquette with teaching the students to utilize work cited and source where they get their information. These standards all contribute to developing cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging the students in digital-age communication and collaboration tools.


Narrator: Christina Granillo

Wevideo, Youtube, Bblearn

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