Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Philosophy of Education

Making a Difference

            Growing up, children have dreams of becoming an astronaut, or president, or princess; however, my dream has always been to become a teacher. From being five years old teaching my stuffed animals to my junior year in college tutoring kids at my practicum program, I love everything about education and teaching. My goals are to obtain my Undergraduate and eventually Master’s degree in Special and Elementary Education at Northern Arizona University.
            Along with obtaining a degree, I plan to make an impact in my career field. Education is my passion; it’s such a vital field because it molds every person into who they become. Future astronauts, doctors, scientists, and more all begin with their education.  While some might cringe at the idea of nights of everlasting grading and stacks of paperwork, I’ve been rewarded with seeing the progress in my students at the America Reads program-- which is the amazing satisfaction all teachers yearn for. Through my tutoring job I’ve gained experience with teaching, planning, organizing, and engaging with students-- which are just a few skills necessary for a successful teacher. Along with becoming an America Reads Tutor, I’ve also had the experience of being a Youth Tutoring Youth Intern at Conlee Elementary and being the Volunteer Afterschool Program Supervisor at Valley View Elementary School. The children at the program come from almost nothing and it has humbled me to be a part of their lives and be a mentor for them.
            My motivation to become a teacher stems from the values I gained from education. Everything we learn in the classroom applies to our lives; learning how to write our ABC’s in kindergarten and solving countless calculus problems in high school all derive from the passion our teachers gave as they taught us. I know my passion for teaching will only grow stronger, because even at a young age I taught with zeal to make my stuffed animals the most educated bunch of teddy bears and Barney dolls in town.
            My career plan is to be a teacher; therefore I plan to make an impact on not only the children, but also the community. Education is a vital component to the community’s success and future. Every student that passes through school will be a member of the community, but the question is whether they will be a contributive, responsible and active member. I hope to make a difference in my student’s lives so that they will engage in their community and make an impact themselves. My goals are to give my dedication and commitment to making the world a better place. I will give back to the Flagstaff community through educating and inspiring. I will leave a benevolent influence on others. I will be a teacher that makes a difference. 

Technology Integration
My experiences using technology hasn't been as much as most millenials my age. I barely entered the smart phone era last year, and I am still adjusting to it compared to my other friends who have been tech savvy for years. I feel somewhat comfortable and confident with my laptop and some apps on my phone, but I still learn something new everyday. I want to get more hands on experience with technology as a student so I can incorporate it in my profession as a teacher.

How I plan to use technology in my classroom
I hope to get more resources and ways to utilize technology in my classroom. My worries are how to find grants and money to pay for the technology in my classroom. I believe technology is a great opportunity for students to learn and engage in multiple means of representation, so I hope this class helps me prepare in practicing and using technology.